Contributers: Michelle Ngai, That Blue
November 2010

For this project in collaboration with That Blue, I translated wireframes to the visual user interface seen above to show complex information in an easily-digestible way.

Contributers: Jonathan Bongato, Meganne CoKehYeng, Mark Fussell, Ryan Ko, Michelle Ngai, Christie Yung
November 2009

With the goal to create something fun and interactionally-interesting from an otherwise boring object such as a lamp, the team and I concepted ideas to eventually build this. This fully customizable lamp gives unlimited options for the user's needs and wants of the moment.

November 2011

Instead of the typical annual reports, the BCTIA (British Columbia Technology Industry Association) wanted an infographic to show their usual data but in a more interesting way.

Contributers: David Ko, Michael Lee, Michelle Ngai
September 2006 - December 2006

The goal for this project was to build upon existing mobility aids designed for the visually impaired. Noticing the limitations that each existing model had, our design would minimize the restriction of independence people with visibility impairments had.

Originally, the uCane was a cane that would use ultrasonic transmitters and receivers to create a tactile surface that allows the users to intuitively feel their way around. As a team, we researched the user group and the technology that could be used. The rest, however, was done individually.

After researching, prototyping and testing with potential users, I found a simple hand-held device would be sufficient. I made four different versions of this hand-held device using foam boards, each model tested and revised to be better than the last.

July 2011

This website was done for a charity gala held by Place des Arts.

Contributers: Helen Chan, Mandy Cheng, Rebeca Duran, Michelle Ngai, Jessica Yu
September 2009 - April 2010

Within Reach explores human gestures as a form of interaction, allowing users to express emotion across a long distance. By integrating emotions with expressive tangible interactions, it becomes more engaging for the users. Within Reach focuses on non-verbal forms of communication through its physical interface to address the physical separation in these relationships.

The system consists of a pair of bears and keychain receivers that each couple shares with one another. The bears and receivers are wirelessly connected so that the couple can communicate with each other exclusively.

After doing multiple user studies and prototypes, six emotions were implemented into our system along with their responding gestures. Studies found that although the users may not be able to guess the gestures on their own, if they were taught what the pairing emotions/gestures were there was a very small learning curve. The system was designed to be as intuitive and simple for the users as possible, for the simplicity will encourage them to use this device in their everyday lives to communicate with their significant other non-intrusively.

Technical: For our prototyping purposes, this system was made with multiple sensors inside a stuffed bear; touch sensors, pressure sensors and accelerometers. It was then programmed using Arduino, Processing, PHP, Javascript and HTML.

April 2010

This website was designed to showcase the Within Reach project.

Launch website.

February 2012

This is a project-tracking software designed for desktops. The interface was designed to be as non-intrusive as possible for those who want to track their work without being disturbed in the process.

Who I Am

I have been known as a Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Email Designer, Interaction Designer, and most recently, User Experience Designer. But no matter what you call me, I am a problem-solver who advocates tirelessly for users, while balancing business, marketing and technical requirements.

I've freelanced, started my own company, worked in a global tech company, an award-winning global ad agency, an award-winning tech start up and a non-profit organization. I've studied in Italy, worked in California, volunteered in Peru. But no matter where I am, the goal and my passion is to create efficient, elegant and enjoyable user experiences.

Oh, and I'm a Canucks fan :)

What I Do

Thanks for visiting! :)

Copyright 2012 © Michelle Ngai